Chlorine gas in the periodic table denoted by "CI", because chlorine gas is a diatomic gas, its more commonly called with "Cl2". Well, do you know? chlorine gas has unique facts that should you need to know! Here is the unique facts of chlorine gas ......
1. Used For Chemical Weapons In World War I
Yes, at the time of World War I, Germany led by Nazi troops have very strong military and has a wide range of modern weaponry. the chlorine gas is used by Nazi troops to paralyze the allied forces. The effect is remarkable, dozens of Allied soldiers were killed and hundreds of others suffer from respiratory and skin irritation. This occurs because the chlorine gas is highly toxic, especially to human respiratory organs.
In addition, chlorine gas is also a corrosive gas, because when the chlorine gas contact with water it will produce an acid that can burn and harm the tissue in the skin. Wow !!
2. Chloride Is Essential Minerals for Body
Although chlorine is a poisonous gas, but actually it has many benefits for the body. the benefit of the chlorine gas is present in ionic forms, like chloride ions. Chloride ion is essential mineral for human health.Chloride ions useful for the distribution of body fluids, maintaining osmotic pressure, and also serves to maintain the balance of positive ions and negative ions in the extra tissue cell. Its Unique, the element chlorine in the form of the gas are highly toxic, but in the form of chloride ions proved very useful for health.
3. Chlorine Is One Of A Few Gas That Highly Reactive
In chemistry, reactive means easy to react. chemical compound that is reactive means that the chemical compound is very easy to react with the compound / other substance in nature. Well, it turns out properties owned by the reactivity of chlorine gas, chlorine gas is very easy to react with the substance / other compounds. For example we will not be able to find gas chlorine in our nature is in a free state, but only in the form of the mineral that is bound with other elements, This happens because the reactivity of chlorine itself.Many demonstrations were conducted to prove the chemical reactivity of chlorine gas, one example is the reaction of aluminum with chlorine gas, chlorine gas can easily react with aluminum to form aluminum trichloride compounds. This follows the equation.
Al + Cl2 → AlCl3
You can find a variety of chemical experiments on the internet, especially on youtube which proves the reactivity of this chlorine gas. So please go to youtube to see a variety of experiments.
4. Chlorine Is One Of The Causes Gas Damage Ozone Layer
Chlorine gas is also a gas that causes damage to the ozone layer, although CO2 is better known as the main cause of the destruction of the ozone layer. Well, do you know whether the fact that the ozone layer? The ozone layer is actually dominated by gas O3 , O3 gas which is given the name "Ozone Gas". In this case the chlorine contained in the compound CFC (kloroflourocarbon) can react with ozone to produce O2 gas, over time if too many compounds CFCs react with ozone, the ozone concentration increasingly reduced, and this is what causes the destruction of the ozone layer and also The underlying current of prohibiting the use of CFCs.This is following equation between CFC compounds with chlorine gas ....
2 + UV → 2Cl + CF
(CFC compounds are broken down by UV rays from the sun)
Cl + O3 → ClO2 + O2
(Then chlorine gas reacts with ozone and cause damage to the ozone layer)
ClO2 + O → Cl + O2
(Then compound ClO2 produced can react with oxygen and produce chlorine gas ready to damage the ozone layer back)
Although there are in the form of CFC compounds, it turns chlorine gas can be released as CFC compounds can be easily broken down by UV rays and chlorine gas produced, which is the enemy of the ozone layer.
5. Used as Disinfectant / Killer Germs
Although well-known poisonous chlorine gas, it turns out in the form of chemical compounds, chlorine gas has a myriad of benefits in our lives, one of which is as a disinfectant / disinfectant in the water. Well, do you know what it is kaporite? kaporite is a chemical compound of chlorine with the chemical formula Ca (ClO) 2. These compounds are commonly used as a disinfectant in swimming pool water as a cleaning .In the water at swimming pools, chlorine is also commonly used as a cleaner and disinfectant in public water supplies.And another compound that serves use as disinfectant chlorine compound is NaClO. Perhaps you are not familiar with this one compound, as an active ingredient a compound NaClO bleach that we use to make our clothes remain white and clean.
Well, do you know why NaClO compounds can make white clothes and can remove stains on clothes? This is because the compound is a compound that is NaClO Strong Oxidator or strong oxidizers agent that stains attached to the clothes will be easily oxidized by NaClO compound ultimately we become clean clothes. Besides the net, we also look white clothes because the bleaching effect of the chlorine itself.
Well, that's the chlorine compound that serves as a disinfectant, is actually much more chlorine compound that has a function as a disinfectant, but not allowing it feels to be explained one by one, so, chlorine gas in the form of certain chemical compounds found to function as a disinfectant, but that needs to be underlined underlines that not all chlorine compounds which have a function as a disinfectant, but only certain chlorine compounds which have a function as a disinfectant.
Ok, that's five facts about chlorine gas.and so, each chemical compound has its benefits and bad uses respectively. Such as chlorine gas, in the form of gas, chlorine is toxic to humans, but in the form of compounds, chlorine has many benefits in our lives.
Okay thats my post about 5 facts about chlorine gas. Does my friend have a Unique Facts Other ??
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