Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is one of the ionic compounds that is very alkaline, caustic and corrosive properties and hygroscopic (absorbs water like). In our daily lives, these compounds we call "caustic soda" or "caustic soda", but for the official name or the trade name, these compounds commonly called "Sodium Hydroxide".
The level of solubility of this compounds in the water is high enough. At the temperature of 0 C, the solubility of sodium hydroxide in the range of 418 g / L. At the temperature of 20 C, the solubility of sodium hydroxide in the range of 1150 g / L.if we seen from the data above, we can conclude that this compound has a very high solubility. In addition, there are some important facts of sodium hydroxide you should know,this is the following important facts of sodium hydroxide (NaOH):
1. Profile of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
- Compound Type: Compound Ion
- Shape: crystal and white colored powder and Odorless
- Density: 2.13 g / cm
- Melting Point: 318 C
- Boiling Point: 1388 C
- Levels Solubility In Water: Temperature 0 C, 418 g / L. Temperature of 20 C, 1150 g / L
- Relative molecular mass (Mr) = 40
- Soluble-In: Water, Methanol, Ethanol, Ammonia solution and Ether
- Hazard: Characteristically Corrosif
- Alkalimetry level (PKB) = 0.2 (Rank 4)
- Rivalry Acid = HCl
2. Physical Facts Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Sodium Hydroxide has a solid state at room temperature, its shape can be like a crystal or powder depending on the purpose or usefulness analysis. This compound is a white colored metallic and odorless. The solubility level in the water is also quite high as previously described. When these compounds are dissolved into water, the water temperature will rise and the surrounding temperature will feel the heat, this is happened because these compounds exothermic dissolution so that the amount of heat is released. It happened same as when we dissolve sulfuric acid into the water. When dissolved, sulfuric acid can also release some heat into the environment.
3. Fact Chemical Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
Sodium Hydroxide is one of the most common compounds we know in acid-base reactions such as neutralization reactions. These compounds can react with strong acid and a weak acid to form a salt, as shown by the following reaction:
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O (Reaction of NaOH with Strong Acid)
CH3COOH + NaOH → CH3COONa + H2O (Reaction of NaOH with Weak Acid)
Besides being able to react with a strong acid and a weak acid, this compound can also react with acid-oxides such as CO2 and SO2,this is the following equation:
NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O
NaOH + SO2 → Na2SO3 + H2O
is Sodium Hydroxide capable to dissolve metal? yes, these compounds are capable of dissolving metals such as aluminum metal as well as some other transition metals.
Here's the equation:
2NaOH + 2AL + 6H2O → 2 NaAl (OH) 4 + 3H2
- Precipitation Reaction By NaOH
By using NaOH, we can perticipate metal compounds that have very low solubility such as a transition group metal and main group metals such as lead (Pb) and tin (Sn). This is The following precipitation reaction metal compounds by NaOH:
ZnCl2 + H2O + NaOH → Na2ZnO2
PbSO4 + H2O + NaOH → Na2PbO2
CuSO4 + NaOH → Cu (OH) 2 + H2O
So that's some of the precipitation reaction of metal compounds by compounds NaOH.
4. Production Facts of Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide compounds produced on an industrial scale by electrolysis of salt solution, or what we call chloroalkali procces. This process is done by dissolving pure salt to the water until the resulting saturated NaCl solution, then conducted this very complex electrolysis which in this process will produce three important compounds,Gas Chlorine, Hydrogen Gas and Sodium Hydroxide. These three important compounds are separated in a systematic and complex that the quality of the resulting compound of sodium hydroxide can be high value.
Until now cloroalkali process is still used throughout the country that produce these compounds, in addition to easier and simple, chloroalkali process is also more cost-effective production.
For laboratory scale, NaOH can be prepared by reacting Ca (OH) 2 with Na2CO3 as shown in the following reaction:
Ca (OH) 2 + Na2CO3 → 2NaOH + CaCO3
CaCO3 solids produced can be filtered and the resulting NaOH solution can be vaporized so that the resulting concentration of NaOH could be higher.
The usefulness of compounds sodium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide compound has a very important role in the industrial world, especially in the paper industry. In the kraft process, these compounds are used to separate the lignin from the fiber selusosa so as to facilitate the processing of the next. In addition to the paper industry processes, this compound is also used in the manufacture of detergents, soaps, cleaners posrselen, PH buffer and is also used as a laboratory-scale analysis to synthesize the organic compound.
Dangers of Sodium Hydroxide Compounds
Sodium Hyroxide is very corosive, so contact with skin or eyes should Avoided. This compounds can cause a burning sensation on our skin, so it would be helpful to use gloves when working with this compounds.
When our skin is already in contact with this compound, then you should immediately wash your hands with running water for 10-15 minutes to reduce the dangerous risks that arise later.
Danger Characteristic NaOH = Corrosive
Dangerous Level = Level 4
Image Source: Wicipedia
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